Proverbs 21:17 – The Easy Way To Get Rich

Proverbs 21:17This just in, the brain trust at Solomon Success has cracked the poverty code and figured out how we can all be rich – stop spending so much. Proverbs 21:17 reminds us in these words: “He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: He that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.” If only we in America would take these words to heart. In general, we spend way too much of our money indulging in activities that do nothing except drain the bank account.

The problem comes when we don’t live within our means.

Want to know how to give yourself an immediate raise? Once again, stop spending so much. Founding Father Ben Franklin said, “A penny saved, is a penny earned.” Same philosophy. In a country where so many don’t live anywhere within their means, thanks to the invention of credit cards, we are used to postponing the day when it all comes due. On that day, we wake up poor.

Do you spend too much money eating out? You’re not alone. Many of us do it every day. You don’t deserve to eat out just because you want to. If you can’t legitimately afford it, what the heck are you thinking? Solomon spoke of wine and oil in Proverbs 21:17. These days let’s call it restaurants and drive-thru drinks. Expenditures for stuff like this adds up so fast it’s not funny. If you “treat” yourself to a single large drink at McDonald’s every working day, you’re dropping nearly $40 a month into that habit. That’s around $450 a year. Two drinks? It’s getting worse. Add a breakfast sandwich, or switch your drive-thru of choice to Starbucks…

Now you’re no different than he that loveth wine, oil, and pleasure too much. Let’s get our head back on our shoulders and spend like we have a brain.

The Solomon Success Team

The Solomon Success Show

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