The Patient Way To Prosperity By The Bible

prosperity by the BibleIf ever there was an investment strategy espoused by the Bible, it would have to be “buy and hold.” Psalms 37:7 speaks obliquely to this issue: “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way.” The point here is that everyone is not on the same time table and it is a useless expenditure of energy wondering when God will see fit to throw financial success your way. Even worse is to allow that tiny, itty, bitty measure of resentment to creep into your thoughts at the success of others.

Keep in mind that many blowhard investment success stories are highly edited by those doing the telling. It’s like catching fish: they grow ever larger with each iteration. What the storyteller may have left out were the 47 losing trades he entered into before hitting one big, which actually was just enough to leave him at a break even in his account. But even if he did hit it big with a savvy (or lucky) investment, what does it matter to you? It shouldn’t.

Keep in mind that if you believe in prosperity by the Bible, your time is coming and it will arrive at a time and place and in a manner of God’s choosing, not yours. And what the heck are you doing comparing your wealth accumulation to some one else for anyway? You’ll drive yourself crazy doing that and God isn’t in the market for crazy. It’s not your job to compare what everyone has and decide whether it’s fair or not.

Pay no attention to those who brag about investment returns and you sure as heck better not be bragging about yours. Prosperity by the Bible means live your life, do you best to walk God’s path, and be happy with what he has chosen to bless you with.

The Solomon Success Team

Flickr / David Jakes