stock market

Taking Stock: Why the Stock Market Can Be Dangerous in the Current Environment

SolomonSuccess.comConventional wisdom has long held that the way to become wealthy over the long-term is by compounded investment in the stock market. The reason for this was quite clear when one looked at the chart of historical returns. By making very modest investments at regular intervals over a long period of time, small investors could create very large amounts of wealth. This line of thinking is what has prompted most employers to source their 401k retirement plans with mutual funds that invest in the stock market.

Why Biblical Investors Should Fear Today’s Stock Market

The Solomon Success ShowThe stock market isn’t what it used to be. Gone are the days when companies advanced and retreated in value based on financial strength and not on the seemingly unrelated and often indecipherable whims of natural disasters and man-made catastrophes. When your grandfather was a stock market investor, a regular dividend could be relied upon from many companies but that practice is going the way of the dodo bird, which begs the question: Why should I be investing in today’s stock market?