Solomon investing

Are Bitcoins the Folly of Fools?

King Solomon’s Proverbs stress the importance of wisdom and prudence over folly and recklessness. The crown of the wise is their riches, “ he says in Proverbs 14:24, “The folly of fools,...

Canceled Cards Can Harm Credit Scores

Credit cards may not have been around in King Solomon’s day, but the great King’s words about managing financial affairs with prudence and wisdom certainly apply today, when building wealth depends...

What Does the Fed Mean to You?

King Solomon’s proverbs show us a monarch concerned with wisdom and prudence, who recognized that the decisions made by a ruler have the potential to affect everyone in the realm in some way. In...

The Wise Heed the Advice of the Wiser

In his many proverbs about the virtues of wisdom and the value of living a wise and prudent life, King Solomon speaks frequently about the importance of “wise counsel” – learning from those with...

Home Ownership: Not What It Used To Be.

In the Proverbs of Solomon, a house often represents stability, prosperity and right living “Wisdom hath built herself a house, she hath hewn her out seven pillars,” says the King in Proverbs 9:1....