
King Solomon’s 5 Virtues for Investors

Across the millennia, King Solomon’s words of wisdom about living a godly life still speak to us, with truths that guide money management to this day. Throughout his book of Proverbs, the King has...

Signing Surety for Your Company is a Bad Idea

In simple terms, signing surety for your business means you agree to assume personal financial responsibility for any debts it incurs. Paying your debts back is a good thing, right? God is all about...

A Responsible Man in the Land of Irresponsibility

SolomonSuccess.comAmerica may be the land of opportunity but it has disintegrated into the land of irresponsibility as well, which wouldn’t have sat well with King Solomon or God, for that matter. Too many of us want to get rich quick while medicating ourselves into oblivion, supporting hideously bad behavior on reality television, and poisoning our one and only body with a steady diet of tasty but nutritionally dead food products that only faintly resemble anything edible.