financial management

5 Signs of a Lying Lender

In his Proverbs, King Solomon tells us that prudence, caution and good advice can keep good people out of the clutches of the wicked. “If wisdom shall enter thy heart, and knowledge please thy...

Cash for Quick Home Sales: A Wise Harvest?

In King Solomon’s day, credit wasn’t much of an issue. But the wise king’s advice to manage money responsibly and save up resources applies across the ages. “Go to the ant, O sluggard,” he say s in...

No Credit is the New Credit

The cornerstone of King Solomon’s advice on money management is prudence. His many Proverbs on building a prosperous life emphasize hard work and carefully husbanding resources. For many Americans...

New Rule Rewards Prudent Borrowers

As King Solomon says again and again in his Proverbs, prudence and responsible living according to the will of God leads to prosperity. “Get wisdom, and with all thy possession purchase prudence,”...

Do Big Lenders Lack Mercy and Truth?

King Solomon’s Proverbs remind us that honesty and fairness are keys to living a life blessed by God. “Let not mercy and truth leave thee,” the king says in Proverbs 3:3. “Write them in the tables...