Month: May 2013

When Getting Credit Creates Bad Credit

The wise King Solomon advocated industry, thrift and hard work as ways to create a prosperous life. His Proverbs point out the connections between personal responsibility and a Godly life –...

Owning a Home: Damaging the Economy?

Even in King Solomon’s time, houses represented stability, prosperity –and even wisdom, as we’ve seen in proverbs such as 9:1, “Wisdom hath built herself a house,” the King extols the virtues of a...

The Wise Heed the Advice of the Wiser

In his many proverbs about the virtues of wisdom and the value of living a wise and prudent life, King Solomon speaks frequently about the importance of “wise counsel” – learning from those with...

Learning from the Past: A New Housing Bubble?

As King Solomon tells us again and again in his Proverbs, wisdom is the foundation for a rich life graced by God. And one way to gain wisdom is to learn from the mistakes of the past. “Fools despise...

The Fed’s Bond Buyup: Propping Up the People?

Among his many wise words on living a prosperous and Godly life, King Solomon also spoke in his proverbs about obligations of monarchs and governors for the well being of their people. “Where there...